singer: Ranjit Bawa
We’ve compiled a list of the newest songs by Ranjit Bawa that you might enjoy. It contains lyrics to newly released Ranjit Bawa’s songs that are updated regularly. This page contains all of the latest Ranjit Bawa songs from films, albums, and singles. We hope you love reading the lyrics to the songs and watching the music videos.
Ferozi Koka Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Ferozi Koka Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa: It is a revolutionary and a pleasing Punjabi song featuring Aveera Singh Masson. Desi Crew is the tunesmith of perfect music. The stupefying Ferozi
Emotional Banda Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Emotional Banda Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa: It is an another and a glamorous Punjabi song. Icon is the inventor of drop-dead gorgeous music. The terrific Emotional Banda Marda Punjabi lyrics
Five Flower Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Five Flower Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa: It is the all-new and a fine Punjabi song. Chet Singh is the melodist of fantabulous music. The magnificent Five Flower Punjabi lyrics of
Uni Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Uni Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa: It is a cool and an astonishing Punjabi song. Snappy is the musician of groovy music. The amusing Uni Punjabi lyrics of the descant are
Kinne Aye Kinne Gye Part 3 Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Kinne Aye Kinne Gye Part 3 Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa is an exquisite song. M. Vee is the music writer of KINNE AYE KINNE GYE PART 3’s nice-looking music. The
Rabb Karke Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Rabb Karke Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa is a heavenly song. Yeah Proof is the accommodator of RABB KARKE’s well-favored music. The dandy Rabb Karke Punjabi lyrics of the anthem are
Friend Zone Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Friend Zone Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa is a first-rate song. The Kidd is the musician of FRIEND ZONE’s felicitous music. The pleasant Friend Zone Punjabi lyrics of the record are
Jatta Ve Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Jatta Ve Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa is a marvelous song. Singhwithlogic is the producer of JATTA VE’s sweet-tempered music. The confounding Jatta Ve Punjabi lyrics of the song are inked
No Guarantee Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
No Guarantee Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa is a artistic song. Nick Dhammu is the tunesmith of NO GUARANTEE’s paradisaical music. The jim-dandy No Guarantee Punjabi lyrics of the single are
Sade Hero Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Sade Hero Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa is a comely song. M. Vee is the songsmith of SADE HERO’s dreamboat music. The sweet-tempered Sade Hero Punjabi lyrics of the poesy are
Pehchan Lyrics — Ranjit Bawa
Pehchan Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa is a psychedelic song. Yeah Proof is the maker of PEHCHAN’s nicely music. The showy Pehchan Punjabi lyrics of the track are given by Jaskaran
Hakam Lyrics — Teeja Punjab | Ranjit Bawa
Hakam Lyrics from the Punjabi movie ‘Teeja Punjab’ featuring Nimrat Khaira, Amberdeep Singh is a hallucinatory song, and it has statuesque aria by Ranjit Bawa. The luscious lyrics of the